109 Edinburgh Greyfriars Church : relatively decorated and funky

This is a 17th century church well-known in connection with Greyfriars Bobby, the dog who just  couldn’t manage to move on. Bits fell down and got rebuilt over the centuries. In the mid 19th century this church was remarkable in that it was the first one in Scotland since the Reformation to have an organ and stained glass put in – contradicting a traditionally less decorated and less funky ceremonial practice.

There is a plaque commemorating the novelist poet and historian Walter Scott, of Ivanhoe fame (this was his kirk when he was young).

There is a fine modern altar table and pulpit. You will also find an explanation of the traditional cutty stool in the church, on which one had to sit, shamed, in case of having committed adultery. Also handy for throwing at bishops if things are getting really theological (Jenny Geddes did this). Today, the church  has services in both Gaelic and in English.

Just outside the church is a plaque commemorating the dead in the terrible Union Carbide Bhopal disaster, when, in 1984 in India, a gas leak killed many thousands of people and hundreds of thousands were hurt in one way or another. Seven people were imprisoned for criminal negligence.

There is also a really historical graveyard which is worth a visit.

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