95 Vincennes in the Paris suburbs : Saint Louis and attenuated torture

The architects were chosen by competition and the building began in 1914, and was finished in 1924, because naturally the war slowed things down. Byzantine in inspiration, I am told, with plenty of reinforced concrete. Fresques of the four evangelists, ceramic-decorated pulpit and communion rail, all well worth the visit. Wonderful volumes, and Stations of the Cross, and the noticeboard shows dynamic parish activities.

Saint  Louis was a 13th century King of France, who had his tribunal at Vincennes. Became king when he was twelve, and, according to wikipedia one of his great achievements was “to attenuate the use of torture”. I do recommend our readers follow his example. He also worked to convert Mongol peoples to christianity, and joined the seventh crusade. Even less woke was his attitude to Jews: he organized the public burning of the Talmud.

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