82: Clermont-Ferrand, France : Basilica Notre Dame du Port. Lectern of the year.


Clermont-Ferrand : Basilica Notre Dame du Port. Lectern of the year.

 This is a smallish Basilica with a crypt. It was mostly the statues and stuff which I liked. A modern crucifix or two, and an abstract wooden sculpture commemorating Saint James the apostle’s decision to pack in the fishing and go all disciple. There was also a crèche, because it was Christmas in Auvergne. But real highlight was my choice for lectern of the year.

Apparently there is also a miraculous statue of the Virgin … which I missed !

 The church is built in the Auvergnat romanesque style common in the region, and it was started in the 12th century. It was damaged by earthquakes at the end of the 15th century. It then has a bit of a Golden Age with lots of processions and gets itself an organ in 1740. During the French Revolution, the decision is taken to demolish it, but a petition by the locals manages to have it saved. The belltowers had already been demolished though, and the bells recycled. In the 19th century, a new belltower was built.

 The capitals ( the sculptured bits at the top of the columns) are particularly noteworthy and represent different tales from the Bible. And there are paintings of some renown – annunciation, fleeing to Egypt etc.

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