
Affichage des articles du décembre, 2024

120 St Louis, Missouri, USA : New St Louis Cathedral : stunning gilded volumes.

Not that many saints have cities named after them, so St Louis is kind of lucky (along with Francis, Theresa, George, Mary and Joseph). Catholic church, opened in 1914, designed in a synthesis of your Byzantine and your Romanesque. I was very impressed by this cathedral when I wandered into St Louis. Lots of gold paint, piles of mosaics (42 million pieces were used, I am told – biggest collections of mosaics outside Russia) . Some of the mosaics tell the story of Saint Louis’s life   (his day job was monarch, and one of his hobbies was crusading). Others tell the local story of the Church, and others still show scenes from the Bible. Lots of text. Extracts from JC’s hit speech, the beatitudes, are up on the walls (you remember the one – « blessed is this bunch, blessed is that bunch …»). The church is mostly impressive for stunning gilded basilica-volumes – I hope my photos give you an idea. But also, it has beautiful lamps, the chunkiest bishop’s chair you have ever seen,...