
Affichage des articles du novembre, 2022

37 Sainte Barbe chapel, Arradon, Britanny

 This is a tiny charming chapel just down the road from the house we were renting near the beach last summer. It was built at the end of the sixteenth century. Sainte Barbe (Saint Barbara) is one of those "I was a saint before you were a saint" sort of people (from the point of view of an English Catholic) because she was martyred in the third century. Before her death she was tortured , but every morning her wounds healed miraculously, so eventually her father beheaded her. Then again she may not actually have existed because all the stories about her that we know of were written centuries later.  Her speciality was to guarantee to her devotees that they would not die without having had first the opportunity to go to confession and to have the final sacrament which they used to call "extreme unction" (these days it is generally called "the anointing of the sick"). The chapel has the simplest Stations of the Cross I have seen so far. It also has statues of...

36 Paris 17th arrondissement Sainte Marie-des-Batignolles church

Neoclassical architecture with pillars etc., Rococo Altar decoration, simple but pretty stained glass windows of the annunciation and all that. This is a 19th century church just near where the new Pont Cardinet metro station has been built on line 14. It is unusual to see a modern clock inside a church, but there is one here just under the organ. Great stations of the cross in bas-relief. Information in French Information in Polish